The Greatest Books and Manuals for Entrepreneurs You can achieve your dreams with an online business! Products reviewed by Dien Rice Are you looking to make money online? These books give you useful knowledge on how to start and run an online business. You can read my review of each of book, my views on what's cool and what's drool ! Not all books are alike, and a review can help you decide between them. So let's get started. Okay? You can also do a general book search by using the search engine at the bottom of the page (click here). Here they are.... Books And Reports
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Your Site Sell
"Make Your Site Sell" is 3 books in one, which will teach you about
Is what you want to do covered in one or more of those topics? The biggest and main part is part 3 - creating a web site which will sell, that is, which will bring in the money. The main emphasis is on putting yourself in your customer's shoes, and try to look at what you are writing, or have written, through your customer's eyes. It's a great introduction to the psychology of selling. That's how you connect with people. Right? (And once you master that, more advanced info can be found in some of the other books below). The second book is about getting targeted traffic to your web site. Would more traffic help your business? Ken Evoy focuses on how to get good search engine positioning, which is an important technique of web site promotion. His tips on getting a good ranking on the search engines are among the best I have seen anywhere, and they have certainly have helped Entrepreneur-Web get some great rankings on some good search engines! The final book is on creating a product, which is a brief introduction to the subject. You don't need to create your own product to start selling online -- there are many other things you can sell for a commission. But it's great that Ken Evoy has included this book for completeness. You'll need it later on, when you want to control your own product. Okay? "Make Your Site Sell" covers the guts of online marketing, and goes into detail in some areas, like creating a web site which sells the product. "Make Your Site Sell" gives you all you need to get started -- all the building blocks you'll need to begin. At about 724 pages, it's very comprehensive. That's pretty obvious, isn't it? You don't have to read it all at once, but you can start with the parts you're interested in. And at only $17, this may be the best introductory product to online business you can get! And with the free trial download, you can also check it out first for free. Have you come across any better value for money deals than that? It's well worth a read. Summary:
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It Profiles of 23 Incredibly Successful Web Sites You've Probably Never Heard Of by Jaclyn Easton 249 pages
She has collected in one place detailed information on 23 successful real web-based businesses. This includes financial information (which is very hard-to-get), and also some of the tactics that many of these businesses have used to become successful. If you are looking to start your own web-based business, or if you have one already, you should definitely check this out. One of the best and easiest ways to be successful is to look at others who are successful, and do what they do. This book will show you how. Available at for $17.47 (RRP $24.95) To find out more from's page and to order your copy, Click Here To order, remember to click on "Add to Shopping Cart" and then "Proceed to Checkout"
Influence Available at for $12.00 (RRP $15.00) To find out more from's page and to order your copy, Click Here To order, remember to click on "Add to Shopping Cart" and then "Proceed to Checkout"
on Advertising by David Ogilvy 224 pages Available at for $18.40 (RRP $23.00) To find out more from's page and to order your copy, Click Here To order, remember to click on "Add to Shopping Cart" and then "Proceed to Checkout"
Advertising Methods by John Caples and Fred E. Hahn 304 pages Available at for $11.96 (RRP $14.95) To find out more from's page and to order your copy, Click Here To order, remember to click on "Add to Shopping Cart" and then "Proceed to Checkout"
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